Myotherapy is a system of health care primarily focusing on assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain. Myotherapy is used in the treatment of acute and chronic conditions as well as preventive management.
A brief medical history is taken which will cover relevant matters such as activities, work environment, diet and past injuries. A physical assessment is then conducted to best determine the most effective treatment for your condition. This assessment may include:
Physical Examination
Range of Motion Testing
Postural Assessment
Orthopedic Assessment
Active Palpation
Passive Palpation
A treatment plan will then be formulated and explained to you in detail. This plan will include the Myotherapist's hands-on treatment, corrective exercises and stretches to be undertaken at home, as well as advice on management that can be undertaken by yourself between your consultations to best assist the improvement of your condition.
An initial consultation will take up to 60 minutes. While the assessment will take longer at the initial visit, the client can still expect a minimum of 45 minutes hands-on treatment. Treatment may involve a combination of the following techniques:
Manual soft tissue techniques- such as myo-fascial release and deep tissue massage.
MET (Muscle Energy Techniques) & Mobilisation of Joints
Trigger Point Therapy
Dry needling (the use of acupuncture needles into restricted/injured muscle tissue)
Muscle stretching
Postural corrective exercises -strengthening or stretching exercises to be undertaken at home/work
Hot and Cold Therapy
A brief check on your health and progress since the last consultation will be taken, as well as some clinical assessment, followed by treatment.
A long consultation will take 60 minutes and you can expect a minimum of 45 minutes of hands-on treatment. The remaining time is invested in treatment planning, documentation and account settlement.
A Standard consultation will take 45 minutes and you can expect a minimum of 35 minutes of hands-on treatment.
A short consultation will take 30 minutes with approximately 20 minutes of hands-on treatment.
Initial Consultation 60 minutes - $117.00 GST inc.
Long Consultation 60 minutes $117.00 GST inc.
Standard Consultation 45 minutes - $99.00 GST inc.
Short Consultation 30 minutes - $87.00 GST inc.
Registered with Myotherapy Association Australia